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Sonny Hall Writes

Writing right. Righting wrong.



An impactful edit is critical to a good read. Your writing should be detailed where necessary and short and sweet when needed. My clients generally have an abundance of knowledge when it comes to what they write. This asset has potential to turn into a bit of a problem when it comes to length and grammatical excellence. Clients that hire me for editing are looking to fine-tune their ideas or stories. Their words are used, with just a bit of tweaking on my part.  




Proofreading is one of the most time-consuming and overlooked parts of writing, yet also one of the most important pieces to any professional display.  The story, the sell, the words; those are all key to your writing, but so often a reader will get caught up on the overuse of the comma or the misspelling of a word, and that's when you've lost an audience member.  You should always assume your reader is brilliant, will catch even the tiniest mistake, and that they recognize that the truth is always in the details.


I've written for several different types of people and many different types of companies, but they all have one thing in common: they want their readers to take an action.  It's not easy to influence your masses, to persuade them to enter the context of your world and your wants.  This is why you're here now.  No matter your product, your service, your skill or talent, I will give you the means to successfully get your voice heard and your reader to take the action you desire.  


Everyone should be blogging. It's a way to showcase your opinion, your talents, your goals, your awards, your style, your brand, all while contributing to your SEO campaign, and giving you some momentum on Google... whatever you want people to know about you or your business, here is the place to do it. The endgame is to get your reader to believe you, buy your product, understand your message, and open a dialogue. This can take some time. Outsourcing a blogger is an efficient and effective way to get your readers' desired reaction.




Sonny Hall . Writer


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